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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

Happy Accident

My Dad and I decided to take a walk along a nature trail the other day.  It was a lovely walk and slightly longer than we expected.  I had my camera along, of course, and took a few shots along the way.

Now, the problem with this was I was worried about my lens.  Why, you might ask?  Well, it was lacking a lens cover.  It has been for weeks.  I keep losing the darn things.  I need to buy a few dozen once I’m employed again.

Anyways, when you don’t have a lens cover and you’re walking through the woods and are afraid a branch might scratch the lens, you improvise.  I simply kept my hand cupped over the top of the lens.

Well, with the body heat of my hand and the coolness of the day, the lens fogged up.  I finally saw another shot I wanted to take and darn!  The lens was fogged.  And, they still haven’t invented built in lens defrosters.  (If anyone knows a trick here let me know!)

I could have let that be the end of it, but instead, I decided to work with it.  I looked around with the camera to my eye (don’t do this while you are still walking!) and found a shot where the fog worked.

So, when something unexpected happens, before giving up, try and work with it and see what happens.  You may love the results!

Therese Kay is an author and photographer residing in Massachusetts. She loves the contemplative practices of visio divina and contemplative photography. She often writes about and teaches them to others.

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