FU? What? Are you kidding? Well, FU2!
NO! Not THAT FU. Fork University.
What? Fork University?
Yes. Fork University.
What do you study there? Forkology? Ha ha ha!
Well, sorta.
If you want to hone your creativity, observation, or artistic skills, then study an object in depth. Any object. It doesn’t really matter what. Play with lighting, perspective, angle, environment, what’s included in the image, or not. I did this with a fork. It was sort of like forkology 101. I’m thinking about doing forkology 102. Or maybe spoonology.
Wanna join me at F U?
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LOL, for Halloween I think it should be knives or pumpkins!
Yeah, I'll title the knives one "Get to the point".
By the way, I need to give credit where credit is due. I got the idea from this post from a fellow blogger, Galen Pearl, over at http://10stepstofindingyourhappyplace.blogspot.com/2010/10/f-word.html. Take a peek!
Have you forking lost your mind? 🙂
Yep! It's much more fun that way! Excellent pun!!