Risk-free Risks
A risk-free risk? What’s that? It’s possible, and often necessary to take a risk that really costs nothing.
The risk involved doesn’t involve money or even relationships with others. The risk only involves you and your willingness to grow. It’s a “risk-free” risk.
I got an invitation this morning to join a free program on self-employment. What’s the risk involved? One hour on the phone for a teleclass tomorrow and a series of videos. Free. (Secrets to Self Employment Profits by Molly Gordon – I mean, in order to be a successful business you need to make money, right?)
And, yet, I hesitated and felt nervous. Why? It might require me to change. I might be challenged out of the status quo. I might be pushed outside of my comfort zone. Nobody likes that. But that’s where the action is, where the adventure is.
I’m a fan of Cheryl Richardson and get her newsletter each week. In her latest one she talked about Purposeful Problems and I shared a quote of hers on my personal FaceBook page (as opposed to my Therese Kay Photography FaceBook page). Here’s the quote I shared:
Every problem carries a possibility for us to become better people – great listeners, more compassionate, resourceful, or decisive, for example. Surrender to the gift and let it lead you to an even better life!
Another kind of risk. Allowing our problems and challenges to teach us and help us grow.
And so, I’m trying to take my “risk-free” risks like signing up for this free workshop, organizing my home office, volunteering for various events when I can… No money involved – just time, commitment, and the willingness to grow and change.

And then the day came,when the riskto remain tightin a budwas more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom.
What risks are you taking?
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I love that poem! I have just been thinking about this topic. About the point in my life when I decided that my fear of making needed changes in my life was finally outweighed by my fear of not making them. I remember the moment when the scale tipped and I took that risk.
Wow! Beautiful!
For me right now it's the risk of throwing stuff away that I might want someday in favor of the life I want NOW. –Carol