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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

In Praise of Bubblewrap

 Today is Bubblewrap Appreciation Day.  And for the first time in my life, I celebrated it!  Why?  Well, why not?  I would have celebrated it sooner, but didn’t know about it!  A friend tipped me off over the weekend.  Thanks, Michelle!

There are so many simple things we take for granted on a daily basis.  Bubblewrap being only one of them.  Think of the humble sock, the handy coaster, even the doo-hickey that stops the sink.  Think of your life without these little appreciated items and you’ll see what I mean!

So, in celebration of the day, I snapped a few photographs using my light table and some colored gels.  Then, of course, I played in Picasa just a little bit.  They’ve added a few new features that I’m enjoying quite a bit.

So tonight, or tomorrow, take a few moments out of your day to celebrate the ordinary!  Cuz, with a little appreciation, the ordinary can become extraordinary!

What will you celebrate??

Therese Kay is an author and photographer residing in Massachusetts. She loves the contemplative practices of visio divina and contemplative photography. She often writes about and teaches them to others.

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