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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

Stop Hiding

Remember playing Hide and Seek as a kid?  Especially at night or in a new place it was fun!  It was always a challenge to find a really good hiding spot.  But, then, if it was too good, it could get boring as you sat and waited…and waited…and waited while no one found you.  I was never quite that good as a kid.

However, as an adult, I’m much better at hiding.  In fact we all are.  We hide behind our excuses and old failures never letting success or happiness find us.  And, it can get quite boring.

I want to be ready to stop hiding.  But my hiding space is safe and cozy and I know it well.  Venturing out is hard and scary.  What about you?  Are you ready to stop playing hide and seek?  Are you ready to let success and happiness find you?  Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone?

Photograph Boy hiding in box

Therese Kay is an author and photographer residing in Massachusetts. She loves the contemplative practices of visio divina and contemplative photography. She often writes about and teaches them to others.

Comments (4)

  1. Ahhh..the waiting game….read Dr Seuss's Oh the Places You'll Go! You're off to great places once you get yourself unslumped:)CMM

  2. Look at those eyes! Great photo. As for hiding, I got to old to play that and just came out from my hiding place! Come on out. You'll see it's fine!

  3. I love my nephew's eyes!! Unbelievably, he just started 5th grade today! He's growing up! And has a sense of style that refuses to hide. 🙂

    I keep peeking out from my hiding place. Did I mention how cozy it is? I just watched an episode of Extreme Weightloss last night. Not really my type of show, but the TV was on and the show came on and something about this woman just touched my heart and I watched the entire 2 hour episode. Her hiding spot was her weight and the her entire struggle was trusting herself enough to stop hiding. Really hit home.

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