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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

In Praise of Small Excursions

Some of us are able to travel and some aren’t. Some are only able to travel a little bit. But the inability to travel, whether due to health, budget, or other issues, does not have to curtail your sense of adventure.

For years I suffered from chronic illness which lead to chronic budgeting issues, which generally translated into smaller excursions. But who said that small excursions are less exciting or less restful than longer ones?

Have you seen the garden at that building down the street? Have you checked out the new construction? Have you ever seen the inside of that church? What about the new art display at the local coffee shop?

Wherever you choose to go, really pay attention to the experience. Perhaps you go spend the day at the beach or local park. Perhaps you’ve been there a thousand times. But have you really seen all of it? Have you really experienced it in all its glory? Feel the grass or sand in your toes. Enjoy the breeze. Eat the treat. Go ahead, swing on the swing set or dig your toes into the sand. Really look and observe your surroundings. Where do you see or feel God? Savor Him.

Bring along your camera or notebook or other art material and create something from your experience. Bring along a small bag and collect little whatnots such as pebbles, shells, acorns, or twigs. Create a remembrance of your day and share it with your loved ones.

If your small excursion only brings you to your kitchen table, that’s OK too. Adventure and beauty can be found there as well.

You are only as limited in your creativity, joy, and experience as you let yourself be.

Therese Kay is an author and photographer residing in Massachusetts. She loves the contemplative practices of visio divina and contemplative photography. She often writes about and teaches them to others.

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