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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

Processing Emotional Pain through Viewing Art

This is the fifth post in the series of Processing Emotional Pain. “We often come away from someone else’s creation with a deeper understanding of our own story.” -Jan Phillips in God Is at Eye Level: Photography as a Healing…

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Processing Emotional Pain through Creating Art

This is the fourth post in the series of Processing Emotional Pain. Many people find comfort in processing their pain through art - dance, paint, pen, words, film. Each medium can provide a cathartic release and expression of pain. Photography…

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In Praise of Small Excursions

Some of us are able to travel and some aren't. Some are only able to travel a little bit. But the inability to travel, whether due to health, budget, or other issues, does not have to curtail your sense of…

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Child-like Creativity: Part 2

If you missed Part 1, I encourage you to go read that first and come back!  Go here to read it. Children Always Ask for The Extra Cookie Children always ask for the extra cookie, why don’t we?  And, you…

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Child-like Creativity: Part 1

We are all children created in our Father’s image.  Our Father was the creator of the entire universe and so, being created in His image, we too are creative. 1 John 3:1a  “The Father has loved us so much that we are…

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From Dreamer to Doer

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau What are castles but huge magnificent buildings?  What is the sky…

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5 Good Reasons to Take a Summer Break

I didn't really mean to take a summer break... it just kind of happened.  And it hasn't really been a break...just a break from the blog while I focus my limited energies on another project (we'll get to that in…

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7 Steps to Show Grace to Your Creative Self

Why Do Creatives Need Grace? Extending grace to yourself is essential to the creative life. Withholding grace and hanging onto guilt robs us of energy that we could use more creatively elsewhere.   Refusing to forgive, or extend grace, keeps us…

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Creative Alchemy: 6 Practices to Generate Ideas

There are creativity questions we often get asked or we ask ourselves: Where do you get your ideas? How did you get so creative? How can I increase my creativity? These are both easy and difficult questions to answer.  Philosophically…

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Keeping It Together When You’re a Scatterbrain

Hi.  My name is Therese and I'm a scatterbrain.  Are you a scatterbrain too? Welcome! Scatterbrain Times Three Times three you ask?  Yup.  I am scatterbrained times three. One: I have a touch of ADHD - the hyperactive part of…

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