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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

From Dreamer to Doer

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau What are castles but huge magnificent buildings?  What is the sky…

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Mining the Past

I struggled this week with a blog topic.  There are thousands of things to write about, no doubt, but this is a rather painful week for me each year.  This day 12 years ago, my sister died in a terrible…

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Give It Your Best (Head) Shot

Anything you are passionate about deserves your best shot.  This includes your image as an author.  What does your headshot say about you?  Is it your best? Head Shot: Why you need one Readers are curious.  They want to know…

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Writer Wednesday: But I Don’t Feel Ready!

Fake It til You Make It (Or How to Start Anyways) According to the Urban Dictionary, the phrase “Fake It til You Make It” means:  to act like you are something so you can, in fact, become that thing. James…

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Photo Friday: Heart in Hands

My heart is in my hands, and I offer it to you. Click here to purchase image. I had other plans for a Valentine's Day post.  Like, 10 Things I Love about Photography or some such thing.  But, instead, my heart…

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Dirty Underwear and Other Things

Some people like to be clean - like really clean. As in two showers a day kind of clean. I'm not sure why you would need two showers a day unless you sweat a lot or roll in mud puddles,…

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Stealing Time

I'm currently reading two different books by Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way and The Right to Write.  Yes, in addition to photography, I like to write and am beginning to explore some options in that area. So, what does…

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Who Made the Rules, Anyways?

I wonder that a lot lately.  Much that I had expected to work out in my life and to make me happy and content hasn't quite worked out that way.  Here are some examples of "rules" I've attempted to follow:…

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In Praise of Simple Things

It's not often that I find an ad or piece of propaganda inspiring.  But, today I did.  Today Facebook put up a video that "honor[s] the everyday things that people make to get together and connect."  And most of the…

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