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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

Give It Your Best (Head) Shot

Anything you are passionate about deserves your best shot.  This includes your image as an author.  What does your headshot say about you?  Is it your best? Head Shot: Why you need one Readers are curious.  They want to know…

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Photo Friday: 9 of My Favorite Photo Apps

9 of My Favorite Photo Apps Here are 9 photo apps I like and use on my iPhone.  I have more, but these are the ones I frequent most.  They are listed in no particular order. I paid $1.99 or…

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Photo Friday: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

An essential element to improving your photography is knowing what's wrong with the images you take and learning how to fix them. For a long time I kept every picture I took. Every. Single. One. Can you say hoarder?  Ha…

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Photo Friday: Photographing an Autistic Child

April is Autism Awareness Month and yesterday, April 2nd, was World Autism Awareness Day. I think it’s a very important to address the needs of both family members of autistic children and professional photographers in the position of photographing a…

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Photo Friday: Communicating with Your Muse

You may think you have to go somewhere to be inspired and meet your muse.  For a while I thought my muse was in the Grand Canyon.  Indeed she was! She was also in Zion National Park. She was at…

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Photo Friday: Spring Photos

The thermometer is very slowly rising and the snowbanks are very slowly shrinking.  According to the calendar, spring is less than two weeks away!  After this long winter, I’m sure we are all eager for the warm weather, and all…

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Photo Friday: Photography and Chronic Illness

A few of you may be scratching your head right now… what do these things have to do with each other?  That’s what this post is all about. I Love Photography But I Don’t Feel Like Taking Pictures I’ve uttered…

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Photo Friday: Making a Collage in Lightroom

Summer, Where Art Thou? Ah... Summer!  Wish thinking summer would make me warmer but with 80 plus inches of snow in less than a month, I really need a pick me up... don't you?  So, with that in mind, I…

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