Messages from God
An Illuminated Devotional
& An Illuminated Workbook
Messages from God: An Illuminated Devotional
Messages from God is a coffee table devotional inspired by the illuminated manuscripts of the medieval church, spiritual books that were painstakingly hand-lettered, illustrated, and bound. This 21st century combination of poetic language and cutting edge photographic art and graphic design is organized into 30 individual readings which can be used as a five week daily devotional either personally or in a group study. The end of each section provides questions for personal journaling, further thought, or discussion.
This book is especially for you if physical or emotional pain has taken a toll on you and your relationship with God. Do you want to once again be reassured of His gentle, healing, and comforting presence? What if this spiritual encouragement and refreshment were as close as a book on your coffee table?
Messages from God: An Illuminated Devotional is a spiritual walk through healing that journeys from daily life to a transcendent vision of heaven. In this devotional you will find comfort and peace not only in the words, but also the images and typography as they create an immersive experience of God‘s presence.
In this devotional you will:
Feel encouraged, loved, and blessed through words and images.
Immerse your mind and spirit through a visual experience similar to medieval illuminated manuscripts
Experience insightful words of comfort and healing in the voice of Jesus.
Process the words and images with your own thoughts and prayers through weekly journal prompts.
Deepen your sense of beautiful intimacy with God and allow Him to be a salve to your wounded places.
This book is perfect as a thoughtful gift for yourself or to someone you know who is crushed in spirit.
Excerpt 1
The sin and darkness of this world too often warp the best things inside of people. I can transform – but understand that this transformation doesn’t change you, it doesn’t take away from who you are, instead it makes you more deeply yourself. I am not here to suppress; I am here to draw forth the best, the way you should be, the way you can be. This is how I see all of you, as people you can be with My help.
Excerpt 2
My kingdom expands the deeper you travel. You moved in deep, and expected to find eventually a sheltered and safe haven, a fireside to rest beside. Instead, My kingdom has open vistas, wide horizons, untamed wild and lovely places, where humans rarely venture. Sometimes I walk alone there, but I hope to draw some of My dear ones in. My Kingdom is the opposite of the natural world: the largest spaces are in the center. The further into Me you travel, the larger My kingdom becomes. The whole tree really is inside a seed. In the case of My kingdom, a whole forest, a whole world.
Messages from God: An Illuminated Workbook
Messages from God: An Illuminated Workbook is workbook companion to the art-based 5-week devotional, Messages from God: An Illuminated Devotional by Kathleen Schwab and Therese Kay. The Messages from God companion workbook is designed to allow space to record your reflections on the text and art of the devotional. Within its pages you will find supporting scriptures for each of the texts as well as space to reflect on the words and images through spiritual exercises and reflective questions. The workbook is suitable to be used with the book on your own or within a small group and will enhance your experience of His gentle, healing, and comforting presence. The workbook will accompany your spiritual walk through the devotional and through healing. It is not meant to be a stand-alone text but is designed to be a companion text with the full-color, art-based devotional. It is there that you will find comfort and healing in not only the words, but also the images and typography as they create an immersive experience of God’s presence similar to that of the medieval illuminated manuscripts. This workbook is perfect as a thoughtful companion gift along with the devotional for yourself or to someone you know who is crushed in spirit.
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